The hall bath was not quite as scary as the master bath. It was in “meh” shape when we moved in and the master bath was in atrocious shape so our priorities went immediately to the master.

I was always on the “we need dual sink” train, even before I was pregnant. Then I was pregnant and was even more on the dual sink train. After the first doctors appointment where we found out we were having twins, there was no more discussion. Dual sinks it was.

This was a project that spanned from the pregnancy into the babies phase. Jon and his dad busted out much of the work while I was pregnant and then we just lived with it like this for months:

After we got our bearings back a teeny bit and when our parents came over to babysit, we slowly tiled the shower. We chose this beautiful accent tile GBI Tile, we nicknamed Darth Vader. And we mimicked the same 12×24 large, white tiles from the master bath from Corso Italia.

After all was said and done, we passed the final inspection from Wilma.